Minneapolis Lawn Care Company
Peter Doran Lawn & Landscaping offers year round lawn care and snow removal services throughout the Minneapolis metro. Peter Doran Lawn was actually our very first client and has remained loyal to us up to this day.
On Easter 2016 we officially launched a redesign of Peter Doran Lawn & Landscaping website and then we did it again in 2023. We built their website on WordPress and optimized it specifically to rank very well on Google’s Search Engine Results Pages (SERP’s).
The charts above shows a steady increase in organic traffic to their website and a steady increase in the number of keywords their website ranks for.
When we took over in April of 2016, Peter Doran Lawn & Landscaping was receiving roughly 33 visitors to their website on a monthly basis. Fast forward to 2023 and now they are receiving roughly 4,700 visitors to their website .
The number of keywords Peter Doran Lawn & Landscaping ranked for when we took over in April of 2016 was roughly 100 with just 1 keyword ranking in the top 3 positions. As of February 2023, Peter Doran Lawn & Landscaping ranks for nearly 5,300 keywords with over 125 keywords ranking in the top 3 postions on search engine results pages.
Peter Doran Lawn & Landscaping’s new location in Rogers, MN did not take long to rank on the top of Google Maps. The success of these results all comes back to a well optimized website along with a well optimized Google My Business page.
Achieving 1st position rankings was crucial for the expansion of Peter Doran Lawn and Landscaping into the Northwestern suburbs of the Minneapolis metro